FUTIRA - The cryptocurrency backed bu a real world commercial business a run by established business people


More than half the world does not have access to the internet. This is positively correlated with economic growth and has established the digital divide where some people are connected and others are not.

The mobile industry globally represents 5.1% of the gross domestic product. Needless to say providing high speed mobile telecommunications to the poor countries will help them improve their GDP and in turn will lead to higher spending on telecommunications. This positive cycle will keep going till these countries fully develop. So, by introducing low cost mobile operator services using technologies that are at a fraction of the cost of technologies deployed in advanced nations can be profitable in the short term and extremely profitable in the medium and long terms.

Our Mission

We will connect the unconnected whilst making substantial value for our coin

Our vision

We will be the leaders for all the unconnected starting from Africa, leading to democratize telecommunications so that all providing hardware can share in the revenue. The addressable market that we are targeting is in excess of two billion people. About nine hundred million of them are concentrated in Africa

Intial token launch

  • The contract was deployed on the Binance Smart Chain on February 12st, 2022.
  • The Token supply is 10,000,000,000 (ten billion) Tokens.
  • Our goal is to reach our hard cap of US $1,000,000,000.
  • An initial Token offering to be completed before April 10th, 2022, will be available to a whitelisted subset of investors
  • We plan to publish a Token contract address (TBD) through various channels 48hrs before the crowd-sale launch date.
  • Launch Date and Time: 8 AM CET 10th April 2022
  • Coin Launch Completion: Coin launch will end when twelve billion Coins are sold.
  • For more information about the contract on Binance Smart Chain.

Token/CoinMarket Place

To ensure demand on Futira Coin, it will be the only means of payment for network services. And in time and with increased market penetration; this will allow the Coins to be used for cash transfers and payments. Given that the pool of potential users of the mobile networks exceeds two billion, we are very optimistic about the demand for the Futira Token/Coin.


The total supply of Futira tokens and coins is 20,000,000,000 (twenty billion). The token contract had ten billion out of these 20 billion. The amount given to the founders will not increase over the two billion given to them from the token supply.



  • 1 Billion Futira Coin.
  • Initial Investors 1 Billion Futira Coin.
  • Sold to the public:1 Billion Futira Coin.
  • Coins Available to the Public at Launch:10 Billion Futira Coin.
  • Total number of Coins authorized to be issued in the future to support networks: 20,000,000,000 (twenty billion Futira Coin) Lowest fraction of a Futira Coin authorized upon launch called (Futi):0.000000000000000001 Futi

Link to the pancakeswap Futira contract:




  • Acquisition of Futira R.S.O. of Slovakia 10 thNovember Establishment of Futira Ltd LLC of Georgia 30 th november


  • Q1 Start of soft launch of Futira Token 25 thFebruary
  • Q2 Chad 4G license
  • Q3 Planning to launch of WiFi services in Mauritania
  • Mauritania 4G license
  • Planning to launch of WiFi services in Chad
  • Q4 Planning to launch of 4G services in Mauritania
  • Planning to launch of WiFi services in Chad .

  • Q1 4G license in Niger Planning to launch of WiFi services in Niger
  • Q3 Planning to launch of 4G services in Niger


  • Establishment of Futira Chain WhenTo Be Discussed
  • Launch Of Futira Coin WhenTo Be Discussed 
  • Launch of Futira Storage (Advanced blockchain public/Private storage) WhenTo Be Discussed
  • Launch of Futira Wallet on Android WhenTo Be Discussed
  • Launch of Futira Wallet on IOS WhenTo Be Discussed
  • Launch of Futira Wallet on Windows Desktop WhenTo Be Discussed

  • Johan Franck Director Of Futira S.R.O.
  • Abdulrhman Metwally Futira Project Manager
  • Mohamed Yousri Elshakasha Chief of R&D Department
  • Islam Eisa Software Solutions Architect
  • Nikoloz Andguladze Project Manager at Futira

We plan to issue the Futira Coin within the first six months of 2022. The Futira 

Coin will be on the Futira Chain, a private and permissioned blockchain that 
will not be anonymous.

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